2001-04-08 11:51 | ragnarok
名称 大小(上右下左) 属性 卡片变化
Geezard 1415 1=5 screw
Funguar 5113 1=1 m-stone piece
Bite bug 1335 1=1 m-stone piece
Red bat 6112 1=1 vampire fang
Blobra 2351 4=1 rune armlet
Gayla 2144 雷 1=1 mystery fluid
Gesper 1541 1=1 black hole
Fastitocalon-f 3521 土 5=1 water crystal
Blood soul 2116 1=1 zombie powder
Caterchopillar 4243 1=1 spider web
Cockatrice 2126 雷 1=1 cockatrice pinion
Grat 7131 1=1 magic stone
Buel 6223 1=1 magic stone
Melsmerize 5334 1=1 melsmerize blade
Glacial eye 6143 冰 1=1 arctic wind
belhelmel 3452 1=1 saw blade
thrustaevis 5325 风 1=1 shear feather
Anacondaur 5135 毒 1=1 venom fang
Creeps 5252 雷 1=1 coral fragment
Grendel 4452 雷 1=1 dragon fin
Jelleye 3271 1=1 magic stone
Grand mantis 5253 1=1 sharp spike
Forbidden 6632 1=1 betrayal sword
Armadodo 6316 土 1=1 dino bone
Tri-face 3555 毒 1=1 curse spike
Fastitocalon 7513 土 1=1 water crystal
Snow lion 7153 冰 1=1 north wind
Ochu 5633 1=1 ochu tentacle
Sam08g 5624 火 1=1 running fire
Death spike 4472 火 1=1 sharp spike
Cactuar 6263 1=1 cactus thorn
Tonberry 3644 1=1 chef’s knife
Abyss worm 7235 土 1=1 windmill
Turtapod 2367 1=1 healing water
Vysage 6545 1=1 wizard stone
T-rexaur 4627 2=1 dino bone
Bomb 2763 火 1=1 bomb fragment
Blitz 1647 雷 1=1 dynamp stone
Wendigo 7316 1=1 steel orb
Torama 7444 5=1 life ring
Imp 3736 1=1 wizard stone
Blue dragon 6273 毒 4=1 fury fragment
Adamantoise 4556 土 3=1 turtle shell
Hexadragon 7543 火 1=1 sharp spike
Iron giant 6565 3=1 star fragment
Behemoth 3657 10=1 barrier
Chimera 7653 水 10=1 regen ring
Pupu 3A21 1=1 hungry cookpot
Elastoid 6267 1=1 steel pipe
Gim47n 5574 1=10 fast ammo
Malboro 7742 毒 4=1 malboro tentacle
Ruby dragon 7274 火 10=1 inferno fang
Elnoyle 5376 10=1 energy crystal
Tonberry king 4674 1=1 chef’s knife
Wedge, Biggs 6627 1=1 x-potion
Fujin, Raijin 3884 1=1 x-potion
Elvoret 7834 风 1=10 death stone
X-atm082 4873 2=1 turtke shell
Granaldo 7285 1=1 g-returner
Gerogero 1883 毒 10=1 circlet
Iguion 8282 1=1 cockatrice pinion
Abadon 6845 1=30 dark ammo
Trauma 4856 1=30 demolition ammo
Oilboyle 1848 1=30 fire ammo
Shumi tribe 6584 5=1 gambler spirit
Krysta 7581 1=10 holy stone
Propagtor 8448 1=1 g-mega-potion
Jumbo cactuar 8844 1=1 cactus thorn
Tri-point 8528 雷 40=1 jet engine
Gargantua 5668 10=1 strength love
Mobile type 8 8673 1=10 shell stone
Sphinxara 8358 1=1 g-mega-potion
Tiamat 8845 1=10 flare stone
Bgh251f2 5785 1=10 protect stone
Red giant 6847 1=5 reteor stone
Catoblepas 1877 1=1 rename card
Ultima weapen 7728 1=1 ultima stone
Chubby chocobo 4489 1=100 luvluvg
Angelo 9673 1=100 elixir
Gilgamesh 3796 1=10 holy war
Minimog 9392 1=100 pet house
Chicobo 9484 1=100 gysahl green
Quezacotl 2994 雷 1=100 dynomo stone
Shiva 6749 冰 1=100 north wind
Ifrit 9628 火 1=3 elem atk
Siren 8962 1=3 status atk
Sacred 5199 土 1=100 dino bone
Minotaur 9529 土 1=10 adamantine
Carbuncle 84A4 1=3 glow curtain
Diablos 5A83 1=100 black hole
Leviathan 7A17 水 1=3 doc’s code
Odin 8A35 1=100 dead spirit
Pandemona A177 风 1=100 windmill
Cerberus 746A 1=100 lightweight
Alexander 9A42 圣 1=3 moon curtain
Phoenix 727A 火 1=3 phoenix spirit
Bahamut A826 1=100 megalixirs
Doomtrain 31AA 毒 1=3 stutus guard
Eden 449A 1=3 monk’s code
Ward A728 1=3 gaea’s ring
Kiros 676A 1=3 acceleraor
Languna 5A39 1=100 hero
Selphie A864 1=3 elem guard
Quistis 96A2 1=3 samantha soul
Irvine 269A 1=3 rocket engine
Zell 85A6 1=3 hyper wrist
Rinoa 4A2A 1=3 magic armlet
Edea AA33 1=3 royal crown
Seifer 69A4 1=3 diamond armor
Squall A469 1=3 three star
For what I am;
For what I have believed in;
For what I am fighting for;

Geezard 1415 1=5 screw
Funguar 5113 1=1 m-stone piece
Bite bug 1335 1=1 m-stone piece
Red bat 6112 1=1 vampire fang
Blobra 2351 4=1 rune armlet
Gayla 2144 雷 1=1 mystery fluid
Gesper 1541 1=1 black hole
Fastitocalon-f 3521 土 5=1 water crystal
Blood soul 2116 1=1 zombie powder
Caterchopillar 4243 1=1 spider web
Cockatrice 2126 雷 1=1 cockatrice pinion
Grat 7131 1=1 magic stone
Buel 6223 1=1 magic stone
Melsmerize 5334 1=1 melsmerize blade
Glacial eye 6143 冰 1=1 arctic wind
belhelmel 3452 1=1 saw blade
thrustaevis 5325 风 1=1 shear feather
Anacondaur 5135 毒 1=1 venom fang
Creeps 5252 雷 1=1 coral fragment
Grendel 4452 雷 1=1 dragon fin
Jelleye 3271 1=1 magic stone
Grand mantis 5253 1=1 sharp spike
Forbidden 6632 1=1 betrayal sword
Armadodo 6316 土 1=1 dino bone
Tri-face 3555 毒 1=1 curse spike
Fastitocalon 7513 土 1=1 water crystal
Snow lion 7153 冰 1=1 north wind
Ochu 5633 1=1 ochu tentacle
Sam08g 5624 火 1=1 running fire
Death spike 4472 火 1=1 sharp spike
Cactuar 6263 1=1 cactus thorn
Tonberry 3644 1=1 chef’s knife
Abyss worm 7235 土 1=1 windmill
Turtapod 2367 1=1 healing water
Vysage 6545 1=1 wizard stone
T-rexaur 4627 2=1 dino bone
Bomb 2763 火 1=1 bomb fragment
Blitz 1647 雷 1=1 dynamp stone
Wendigo 7316 1=1 steel orb
Torama 7444 5=1 life ring
Imp 3736 1=1 wizard stone
Blue dragon 6273 毒 4=1 fury fragment
Adamantoise 4556 土 3=1 turtle shell
Hexadragon 7543 火 1=1 sharp spike
Iron giant 6565 3=1 star fragment
Behemoth 3657 10=1 barrier
Chimera 7653 水 10=1 regen ring
Pupu 3A21 1=1 hungry cookpot
Elastoid 6267 1=1 steel pipe
Gim47n 5574 1=10 fast ammo
Malboro 7742 毒 4=1 malboro tentacle
Ruby dragon 7274 火 10=1 inferno fang
Elnoyle 5376 10=1 energy crystal
Tonberry king 4674 1=1 chef’s knife
Wedge, Biggs 6627 1=1 x-potion
Fujin, Raijin 3884 1=1 x-potion
Elvoret 7834 风 1=10 death stone
X-atm082 4873 2=1 turtke shell
Granaldo 7285 1=1 g-returner
Gerogero 1883 毒 10=1 circlet
Iguion 8282 1=1 cockatrice pinion
Abadon 6845 1=30 dark ammo
Trauma 4856 1=30 demolition ammo
Oilboyle 1848 1=30 fire ammo
Shumi tribe 6584 5=1 gambler spirit
Krysta 7581 1=10 holy stone
Propagtor 8448 1=1 g-mega-potion
Jumbo cactuar 8844 1=1 cactus thorn
Tri-point 8528 雷 40=1 jet engine
Gargantua 5668 10=1 strength love
Mobile type 8 8673 1=10 shell stone
Sphinxara 8358 1=1 g-mega-potion
Tiamat 8845 1=10 flare stone
Bgh251f2 5785 1=10 protect stone
Red giant 6847 1=5 reteor stone
Catoblepas 1877 1=1 rename card
Ultima weapen 7728 1=1 ultima stone
Chubby chocobo 4489 1=100 luvluvg
Angelo 9673 1=100 elixir
Gilgamesh 3796 1=10 holy war
Minimog 9392 1=100 pet house
Chicobo 9484 1=100 gysahl green
Quezacotl 2994 雷 1=100 dynomo stone
Shiva 6749 冰 1=100 north wind
Ifrit 9628 火 1=3 elem atk
Siren 8962 1=3 status atk
Sacred 5199 土 1=100 dino bone
Minotaur 9529 土 1=10 adamantine
Carbuncle 84A4 1=3 glow curtain
Diablos 5A83 1=100 black hole
Leviathan 7A17 水 1=3 doc’s code
Odin 8A35 1=100 dead spirit
Pandemona A177 风 1=100 windmill
Cerberus 746A 1=100 lightweight
Alexander 9A42 圣 1=3 moon curtain
Phoenix 727A 火 1=3 phoenix spirit
Bahamut A826 1=100 megalixirs
Doomtrain 31AA 毒 1=3 stutus guard
Eden 449A 1=3 monk’s code
Ward A728 1=3 gaea’s ring
Kiros 676A 1=3 acceleraor
Languna 5A39 1=100 hero
Selphie A864 1=3 elem guard
Quistis 96A2 1=3 samantha soul
Irvine 269A 1=3 rocket engine
Zell 85A6 1=3 hyper wrist
Rinoa 4A2A 1=3 magic armlet
Edea AA33 1=3 royal crown
Seifer 69A4 1=3 diamond armor
Squall A469 1=3 three star
For what I am;
For what I have believed in;
For what I am fighting for;