FF8英文连载6 In Space...
2002-04-20 23:54 | fantastic
When they got into the space station, Rinoa was sent to the infirmary, and then Squall went to see Ellone. Ellone----a girl who has a particular power, could send people to their past. Squall wanted her to send him to Rinoa’s past, to see what had happened to her and why she went unconscious.
Suddenly, the alarm in the infirmary rang, which reminded them something dangerous had happened to Rinoa, so Squall ran quickly towards the infirmary and saw Rinoa moving slowly like a dead-alive person towards the control room. What was strange, he was not able to get close to her, as a strong power catapulted him away when he tried to touch her.
Thus Rinoa moved to change a spacesuit and jumped into space. Squall ran to stop her but it was too late, he had no choice but to went back to the control room, from where he could see Rinoa drifting to the seal that was used to blockade the magic power of the sleeping sorceress, Adel. What was terrible, she broke the seal! That means Adel would revive soon! There was no doubt that it would be the biggest menace to the whole world!
At the same time, tons of monsters in the moon began to attack the earth, which would surly imperil the earth and the space station where they were in, so to save the earth and, of course, to escape from the danger, they had to leave the station as soon as possible.
The four people (Squall, Quistis, Ellone and the master of the station) got into the lifesaving module, and were launched back to the earth.
In the module, Squall entreated Ellone to send him to Rinoa’s past, in which he could see what had happened to her.
“God!! Rinoa’s gonna die!!…I can’t take this…Ellone, please!! I’ve never felt this way in my life. Take me to Rinoa…to her past!” with pain inside, he couldn’t help shouting loudly.
“…OK, it may not work, but we’ll try ok?” she began to cast her power…
As soon as they had defeated Edea and Seifer in the Galbadia Garden, Rinoa fell under control of the future sorceress, Ultimecia, who was seen in her body. Thus her body was borrowed to go towards Seifer to transmit the order of Ultimecia to him. This time Squall could even hear the heartfelt wish that came from Rinoa when she was under control, “ Squall, I’m scared!”
“Rinoa!” he called out…
“Talk to her! Squall, your voice may not reach her, but your heart will!” Said Ellone.
After breaking the seal, Rinoa got out of control of the future sorceress, and was drifting aimlessly in space while the life-support of her spacesuit was nearly used up. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. She believed that she was dying…
“No…I’m…I’m gonna die…” she thought, “goodbye…Squall…” she was so helpless.
“Rinoa!!! No!!! Don’t give up!!!” he shouted,” can you hear me? It’s Squall!”
At that time, the life-support of her spaceship was completely terminated. Her eyelids were getting heavier and finally closed, seemed like they’d never open again.
“Rinoa, come on! Try to remember!! I’m right here with you! Listen to me!!” he kept shouting to her. However, she was lying motionless in her spacesuit, drifting endlessly in the black space…
Just at that moment, her necklace, which was penetrated with a ring of Squall, floated up in front of her eyes----that was Squall’s favorite ring, she thought it was so cool that she asked Zell to lend it from Squall for her to have a look, she wore it since the Galbadian invaded Balamb Garden----she opened her eyes slowly and looked at the ring, which gave her strength to live and made her face full of hope, and then she stretched her hands slowly to press the bottom which supply spare oxygen…
“I’m…still…alive? Squall…”
In the module, Ellone encouraged him, "You should be the one who's protecting her, Squall, you're the only thing in her mind now, she's calling you!!"
"I’m gonna go find Rinoa. Thanks, sis…” said him and grabbed the lever, which pulled him up to the exit.
“Wait! Come back!” shouted Quistis, who thought he had gone crazy. But he didn’t answer but rushed out into space…
“Idiot!” scolded the master, “there’s no way he can get back! He’s insane! He’s gotta run out of fuel and life-support in no time, they’ll both gonna die!!”
He didn’t think anything, but just searched for his love in such surrounding, carrying the most danger.
Before long, he found her and caught her in his arms, but the problem was the fuel of their spacesuits was used up, it was impossible to get back to the lifesaving module. Fortunately there was an unoccupied spaceship near them, they floated to it and got in.
“Thank you Squall, you rescued me again and I can’t thank you enough…” said Rinoa.
“Don’t worry, I just did what I wanted to.”
She smiled, opened both of her arms to him, making him felt puzzled, (so stupid, wasn’t he?) and said, “The spacesuits was in our way before!” still, he couldn’t understand.
“Give me a hug, a real tight one! I need to know that I’m alive!” she finally said.
“Alive? Yeah we may be alive now, but look at our situation, we still have to get back, right? You wanna see everyone right?” She nodded her head and entered the control room following him. I think the reason he said that was only because he had never tried to hug anyone on his own initiative before, and he was not ready to do that.
After defeating 8 monsters in the spaceship, they piloted it back to the earth.
(to be continued...)

When they got into the space station, Rinoa was sent to the infirmary, and then Squall went to see Ellone. Ellone----a girl who has a particular power, could send people to their past. Squall wanted her to send him to Rinoa’s past, to see what had happened to her and why she went unconscious.
Suddenly, the alarm in the infirmary rang, which reminded them something dangerous had happened to Rinoa, so Squall ran quickly towards the infirmary and saw Rinoa moving slowly like a dead-alive person towards the control room. What was strange, he was not able to get close to her, as a strong power catapulted him away when he tried to touch her.
Thus Rinoa moved to change a spacesuit and jumped into space. Squall ran to stop her but it was too late, he had no choice but to went back to the control room, from where he could see Rinoa drifting to the seal that was used to blockade the magic power of the sleeping sorceress, Adel. What was terrible, she broke the seal! That means Adel would revive soon! There was no doubt that it would be the biggest menace to the whole world!
At the same time, tons of monsters in the moon began to attack the earth, which would surly imperil the earth and the space station where they were in, so to save the earth and, of course, to escape from the danger, they had to leave the station as soon as possible.
The four people (Squall, Quistis, Ellone and the master of the station) got into the lifesaving module, and were launched back to the earth.
In the module, Squall entreated Ellone to send him to Rinoa’s past, in which he could see what had happened to her.
“God!! Rinoa’s gonna die!!…I can’t take this…Ellone, please!! I’ve never felt this way in my life. Take me to Rinoa…to her past!” with pain inside, he couldn’t help shouting loudly.
“…OK, it may not work, but we’ll try ok?” she began to cast her power…
As soon as they had defeated Edea and Seifer in the Galbadia Garden, Rinoa fell under control of the future sorceress, Ultimecia, who was seen in her body. Thus her body was borrowed to go towards Seifer to transmit the order of Ultimecia to him. This time Squall could even hear the heartfelt wish that came from Rinoa when she was under control, “ Squall, I’m scared!”
“Rinoa!” he called out…
“Talk to her! Squall, your voice may not reach her, but your heart will!” Said Ellone.
After breaking the seal, Rinoa got out of control of the future sorceress, and was drifting aimlessly in space while the life-support of her spacesuit was nearly used up. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. She believed that she was dying…
“No…I’m…I’m gonna die…” she thought, “goodbye…Squall…” she was so helpless.
“Rinoa!!! No!!! Don’t give up!!!” he shouted,” can you hear me? It’s Squall!”
At that time, the life-support of her spaceship was completely terminated. Her eyelids were getting heavier and finally closed, seemed like they’d never open again.
“Rinoa, come on! Try to remember!! I’m right here with you! Listen to me!!” he kept shouting to her. However, she was lying motionless in her spacesuit, drifting endlessly in the black space…
Just at that moment, her necklace, which was penetrated with a ring of Squall, floated up in front of her eyes----that was Squall’s favorite ring, she thought it was so cool that she asked Zell to lend it from Squall for her to have a look, she wore it since the Galbadian invaded Balamb Garden----she opened her eyes slowly and looked at the ring, which gave her strength to live and made her face full of hope, and then she stretched her hands slowly to press the bottom which supply spare oxygen…
“I’m…still…alive? Squall…”
In the module, Ellone encouraged him, "You should be the one who's protecting her, Squall, you're the only thing in her mind now, she's calling you!!"
"I’m gonna go find Rinoa. Thanks, sis…” said him and grabbed the lever, which pulled him up to the exit.
“Wait! Come back!” shouted Quistis, who thought he had gone crazy. But he didn’t answer but rushed out into space…
“Idiot!” scolded the master, “there’s no way he can get back! He’s insane! He’s gotta run out of fuel and life-support in no time, they’ll both gonna die!!”
He didn’t think anything, but just searched for his love in such surrounding, carrying the most danger.
Before long, he found her and caught her in his arms, but the problem was the fuel of their spacesuits was used up, it was impossible to get back to the lifesaving module. Fortunately there was an unoccupied spaceship near them, they floated to it and got in.
“Thank you Squall, you rescued me again and I can’t thank you enough…” said Rinoa.
“Don’t worry, I just did what I wanted to.”
She smiled, opened both of her arms to him, making him felt puzzled, (so stupid, wasn’t he?) and said, “The spacesuits was in our way before!” still, he couldn’t understand.
“Give me a hug, a real tight one! I need to know that I’m alive!” she finally said.
“Alive? Yeah we may be alive now, but look at our situation, we still have to get back, right? You wanna see everyone right?” She nodded her head and entered the control room following him. I think the reason he said that was only because he had never tried to hug anyone on his own initiative before, and he was not ready to do that.
After defeating 8 monsters in the spaceship, they piloted it back to the earth.
(to be continued...)