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- The sleep forest
The sleep forest
2003-11-10 10:45 | The7thHeaven
Cloud, can you hear me?

Aerith falls forward, her eyes wide open in shock... but the
smile does not leave her face. Then her eyes close. As she falls,
her hair ribbon comes undone and a small materia, glowing a pale
green falls from it. It bounces once, emitting a small, pure sound
against the glass floor. It bounces again, and again, until it falls
into the clear water below

There's plenty of stuffed toys like my body around, but there's only one me!

The 7th Heaven
Pu Yu
Cloud, can you hear me?
Aerith falls forward, her eyes wide open in shock... but the
smile does not leave her face. Then her eyes close. As she falls,
her hair ribbon comes undone and a small materia, glowing a pale
green falls from it. It bounces once, emitting a small, pure sound
against the glass floor. It bounces again, and again, until it falls
into the clear water below
There's plenty of stuffed toys like my body around, but there's only one me!
The 7th Heaven
Pu Yu
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