2004-11-11 15:05 | 死跑龙套的
Five years ago, the great the person of Shanghai creates 《幻 net 》 , our today ceasing is ahead his commune.As if brilliance in this important website is 1000 1000,000 were had no strategy guide 秘笈 but suffer the player of FF of the molestation brought to hope.它来好象快乐的黎明won全部的长的夜耐久长的艰难.
but five yearseses passes by, however we must a pitiful fact, the Chinese goods ad of the classic. Because the FF is silent to have no careful.Five years passed by, we remain the 镣铐 of the 汉 in day phrase 典 with injure to live the pathetic life in the baldheaded fetter.五年经过, 我们是站立单独的在繁荣的和宽的荒 在大海在的版本D岛.五年过去了,我们仍然潦倒于为了明白剧情概要而大买杂志,我们被放逐于自己的精神家园。As a result we arrive at the right moment on here today, want this shocking donation term 公诸 in the 众 .
The arrives us to arrive to check for the sake of the cash here concerning some with complete devotion righteousness we.When our community creates write down the last solemn text in a 幻 management regulation( brief name 《 a 》 ), they have signed to place each a 幻 the person to all have the check book of the happy game.这注意应该允许是到所有者( 是, 酷年长者兄弟有的年纪较小者姐妹靓 ;披 的年纪较小者姐妹靓 酷年长者兄弟的夹克的有酷年长者兄弟谁穿的年纪较小者姐妹的围裙靓 ) 生命的, 自由和能力那的保证证书寻找快乐的剥夺.
Of today , easily of to see to is a 幻 with do not the tool commits crime on day of member( at social member in name in summary in underneath) of her commune.A 幻 coulds not to cash this sacred contract, but invalid check to gave us a piece is sent back, mark the " nonsupport D version" up.但是我们将决不相信正义将操作错误向上.的那银行我们决不相信在这个社区伟大机遇的保库中会资金不足。As a result we remind of cash this check ― check for willing go fetch for the sake of us precious freedom contain justice it guarantee.We arrive at this sacred place is also to wants the 幻 that remind for day:This is a difficult with the time of the crisis.是镇定剂的不时间到平息运动或拿逐渐地到教条现在.现在正是时候,是从黑暗与荒凉的D版主义幽谷中崛起进到充满阳光的正版的大道上的时候。Now with accuracy time, is to time is up a face of all god's child's opportunities arrive to open ex- door.Now exactly time, move our community to the time on the huge rock that the original walk sideways from compelledly play the version of D quicksand.
If commune 疏 slightly of this time is up the social member in under-estimation urgently probably of determination, that will be what break her.If the original come with the day of clear dry autumn of a goods not, reasonable and sad intense heat in society member would not past.2 是不是结束, 但是开始.如果社区依然我行我素,那些希望社员需要宣泄一番然后就会满足的人将大失所望。Fore the social member broadcasts the coping at the beginning all, commune ever since that time also can't be what 静 not driedly.The storm of the inquiry 秘笈 will continue groundwork that vibrate our community until the original repairs the bright day that over user manual present.
however I am hypostatic to remind everybody, we are upright in the 殿 that cause justice.Of 阈 front is in acquire our fair position of process we definitely must not adopt the means that iniquity be.不想要为了满意的到最初的和忧虑为了但是饮料杯子那使用暴力有年老的不给予.
we must proceed at the oneself- the respectly has from the roughlyly classic situation forever we compete.Of we definitely disallow we creates the sexual assertion deteriorates to become the violence on the body.我们应该升华不断地到安排身体能力有的灵魂能力到高度情形.我们不应因卷入D版社区内不同凡响的新抗争而从此不信任所有的正版,对于很多我们的正版兄弟,正如今天这里同样在场的正版兄弟所证明的,他们已经发现他们的光头与我们的光头系结在一起了,而他们的腰包与我们的腰包更是不可分隔,休戚相关。We can't the act is lone.
in the our act in that time, we make the 立 to fix the brains greed 永 arrives to keep ahead.We can't turn head.有人质问. Those arrive to dedicate the body in the first volunteer" in that time then can you have satisfiedly?".We are definitely dissatisfied, unique our person, at cost the big silver buy goods the thing machine after of the proprietor of water buys at the beginning of without betwixt small 摊 in heart in calculator is in the street side in opportunity or electronics cities.Our absolutely not will be satisfied with, as long as the choice scope that we purchase limits at to change from a kind of mean the version of D a kind of not that lousy the version of D.我们能决不满意的, 唯一的关闭最初的寂静稀罕的和村庄的宝贵的东西在北京;但是在Shanghai的社会成员寂静的想那他们无关于最初的.不…, Do not compute in any …, We can't have satisfiedly, we can be definitely dissatisfied, until one fine day" first of, for example flood, is a billow, alleviate the weight method price for example river river 滔滔 ".
I do to do not neglect us the centrally some person, they come out at the right moment to is difficultly the agony of the greatness that have from the big test futurely.The PS2 of you some people was just the 冒 the smoke.一些factitiousnesses追赶最初的但是贫穷的抢夺银行几乎.你们历经了这空前的磨难而成为斗士。Fight constantly, arrive the belief profoundly: this is vexing that should not have and will pass by to do the whole ways.
The turns the history gram 威尔 turns, is an empty selling to the playing cards 普 outside, going to the electronics 艺 boundary turn, turning the SCE turn, turning the KONAMI, turning Japan or proud of games to turn in the company of 稻 at nation, arriving to understand one fine day such the spot can with really will change.Let us do not halt the foot in the despairing secluded valley.
Of today I want to tell you, my friend, although face this is difficult with despairing time, I am silent to dream.This dream derives from the dream of the 幻 of the day profoundly.
I dream, that is one day this commune to rises with the would" we are own this from clear and first: we downloads the profession scope is a that first source in彰 in first meaning" it believe deeply is to express in life time.
I dream, that is one day at of commander's headquarters mansion 索尼 , of the social member of the descendant with of descendant 索尼 wreath is in the table that acquire the SONY ahead.
I dream, having the dynasty to link to have evenly monetary without player at first, at most frenzied advocator is in the 镝 of. These editions, destroy the conversion to dirty forward in edition in D.
I dream, my child will live one fine day is in elephant this commune: not in accordance with their pocket but according to their benignity broadcast at the beginning of.
I dream on today!
I dream, all dynasties at first in the Microsoft company —— cover of although technical personnel's 茨 do not include very quickly- go to back the 联 machine grade climbs to broadcast to arrange bigly in the XP the —— will become the fine place, will create to have in all aspects there our child as a result 瘟 garbage code many roads dies.
I dream on today!
I dream, one day" all purses is all alive with, the dishonest businessman in size is all in restraint of, making in a puzzle of the Japanese toe exchanges the Chinese language, the literalness of the pronunciation arrive to become plentifulness carelessly to is necessaryly with fine pictograph.The honor of the end imagination presents by all means, any have the guts of, see necessarily and together"
this is ours hope.这是制造我到达的深信幻 天.因着这个信心我们将砍倒压抑盼望的巨石,就是那绝望之山岭。ad. Because the coordination quarrels the our meeting in loving this confidence in astonishing and pleasing that brothers in our commune of an insides convert that outside each other.Companion such confidence we will together game, together match bird, play water polo together, explode the machine clone together, stands for the sake of the dream together, realize the one fine day us to will realize eventually.
The will be an an an an an an an an an a day that day that is all god's of the child sings the all new meaning:" my幻 , your dwelling, free finely, I sing.This is that our ancestry rest peacefully, is a proud of place in end imagination;From each a version piece, let free voice spread."
If the 幻 wants to become the great network stands to order, this look into lovelyly to must realize in the song.So, let free a steppe for from six lines of birds ranch ascended to ring out;Let free a fortress for from the oblivion it all rung out;Let ring out in free a hole for from the dragon king 巴哈姆 with hole.
The lets free a house for ordering for the sake of from the webmaster a 竹 position outside of!
The lets free 温 text a tower 惠 that voice know arrived to declare to leave to go to from the atmosphere!
but not unique one; silent let declare to leave to go to at the free forest for coming together from the early heart!
The lets free voice from of the ambulation town square 漫 sees to exceed to declare to leave to go to in the stage!
The lets free each from of mountain for the sake of from the commune system, each from of the soil 墩 climbs to declare to leave to go to.From each a foothill, let the free voice ring the 彻 .
The be us to make the free voice ring the 彻 it, be we make this voice ring 彻 each a forum each a version piece, we can accelerate to come this day: At that time have our children, old white with small white, cool elder brother with the younger sister of 靓 , 披 the younger sister of 靓 of cool elder brother's jacket with cool elder brother who attire in younger sister's apron of 靓 , hold the hand the ground sing that ancient song together," freedom!Freedom!Thankful omnipotent and big bird, we are finally free finally!"

Five years ago, the great the person of Shanghai creates 《幻 net 》 , our today ceasing is ahead his commune.As if brilliance in this important website is 1000 1000,000 were had no strategy guide 秘笈 but suffer the player of FF of the molestation brought to hope.它来好象快乐的黎明won全部的长的夜耐久长的艰难.
but five yearseses passes by, however we must a pitiful fact, the Chinese goods ad of the classic. Because the FF is silent to have no careful.Five years passed by, we remain the 镣铐 of the 汉 in day phrase 典 with injure to live the pathetic life in the baldheaded fetter.五年经过, 我们是站立单独的在繁荣的和宽的荒 在大海在的版本D岛.五年过去了,我们仍然潦倒于为了明白剧情概要而大买杂志,我们被放逐于自己的精神家园。As a result we arrive at the right moment on here today, want this shocking donation term 公诸 in the 众 .
The arrives us to arrive to check for the sake of the cash here concerning some with complete devotion righteousness we.When our community creates write down the last solemn text in a 幻 management regulation( brief name 《 a 》 ), they have signed to place each a 幻 the person to all have the check book of the happy game.这注意应该允许是到所有者( 是, 酷年长者兄弟有的年纪较小者姐妹靓 ;披 的年纪较小者姐妹靓 酷年长者兄弟的夹克的有酷年长者兄弟谁穿的年纪较小者姐妹的围裙靓 ) 生命的, 自由和能力那的保证证书寻找快乐的剥夺.
Of today , easily of to see to is a 幻 with do not the tool commits crime on day of member( at social member in name in summary in underneath) of her commune.A 幻 coulds not to cash this sacred contract, but invalid check to gave us a piece is sent back, mark the " nonsupport D version" up.但是我们将决不相信正义将操作错误向上.的那银行我们决不相信在这个社区伟大机遇的保库中会资金不足。As a result we remind of cash this check ― check for willing go fetch for the sake of us precious freedom contain justice it guarantee.We arrive at this sacred place is also to wants the 幻 that remind for day:This is a difficult with the time of the crisis.是镇定剂的不时间到平息运动或拿逐渐地到教条现在.现在正是时候,是从黑暗与荒凉的D版主义幽谷中崛起进到充满阳光的正版的大道上的时候。Now with accuracy time, is to time is up a face of all god's child's opportunities arrive to open ex- door.Now exactly time, move our community to the time on the huge rock that the original walk sideways from compelledly play the version of D quicksand.
If commune 疏 slightly of this time is up the social member in under-estimation urgently probably of determination, that will be what break her.If the original come with the day of clear dry autumn of a goods not, reasonable and sad intense heat in society member would not past.2 是不是结束, 但是开始.如果社区依然我行我素,那些希望社员需要宣泄一番然后就会满足的人将大失所望。Fore the social member broadcasts the coping at the beginning all, commune ever since that time also can't be what 静 not driedly.The storm of the inquiry 秘笈 will continue groundwork that vibrate our community until the original repairs the bright day that over user manual present.
however I am hypostatic to remind everybody, we are upright in the 殿 that cause justice.Of 阈 front is in acquire our fair position of process we definitely must not adopt the means that iniquity be.不想要为了满意的到最初的和忧虑为了但是饮料杯子那使用暴力有年老的不给予.
we must proceed at the oneself- the respectly has from the roughlyly classic situation forever we compete.Of we definitely disallow we creates the sexual assertion deteriorates to become the violence on the body.我们应该升华不断地到安排身体能力有的灵魂能力到高度情形.我们不应因卷入D版社区内不同凡响的新抗争而从此不信任所有的正版,对于很多我们的正版兄弟,正如今天这里同样在场的正版兄弟所证明的,他们已经发现他们的光头与我们的光头系结在一起了,而他们的腰包与我们的腰包更是不可分隔,休戚相关。We can't the act is lone.
in the our act in that time, we make the 立 to fix the brains greed 永 arrives to keep ahead.We can't turn head.有人质问. Those arrive to dedicate the body in the first volunteer" in that time then can you have satisfiedly?".We are definitely dissatisfied, unique our person, at cost the big silver buy goods the thing machine after of the proprietor of water buys at the beginning of without betwixt small 摊 in heart in calculator is in the street side in opportunity or electronics cities.Our absolutely not will be satisfied with, as long as the choice scope that we purchase limits at to change from a kind of mean the version of D a kind of not that lousy the version of D.我们能决不满意的, 唯一的关闭最初的寂静稀罕的和村庄的宝贵的东西在北京;但是在Shanghai的社会成员寂静的想那他们无关于最初的.不…, Do not compute in any …, We can't have satisfiedly, we can be definitely dissatisfied, until one fine day" first of, for example flood, is a billow, alleviate the weight method price for example river river 滔滔 ".
I do to do not neglect us the centrally some person, they come out at the right moment to is difficultly the agony of the greatness that have from the big test futurely.The PS2 of you some people was just the 冒 the smoke.一些factitiousnesses追赶最初的但是贫穷的抢夺银行几乎.你们历经了这空前的磨难而成为斗士。Fight constantly, arrive the belief profoundly: this is vexing that should not have and will pass by to do the whole ways.
The turns the history gram 威尔 turns, is an empty selling to the playing cards 普 outside, going to the electronics 艺 boundary turn, turning the SCE turn, turning the KONAMI, turning Japan or proud of games to turn in the company of 稻 at nation, arriving to understand one fine day such the spot can with really will change.Let us do not halt the foot in the despairing secluded valley.
Of today I want to tell you, my friend, although face this is difficult with despairing time, I am silent to dream.This dream derives from the dream of the 幻 of the day profoundly.
I dream, that is one day this commune to rises with the would" we are own this from clear and first: we downloads the profession scope is a that first source in彰 in first meaning" it believe deeply is to express in life time.
I dream, that is one day at of commander's headquarters mansion 索尼 , of the social member of the descendant with of descendant 索尼 wreath is in the table that acquire the SONY ahead.
I dream, having the dynasty to link to have evenly monetary without player at first, at most frenzied advocator is in the 镝 of. These editions, destroy the conversion to dirty forward in edition in D.
I dream, my child will live one fine day is in elephant this commune: not in accordance with their pocket but according to their benignity broadcast at the beginning of.
I dream on today!
I dream, all dynasties at first in the Microsoft company —— cover of although technical personnel's 茨 do not include very quickly- go to back the 联 machine grade climbs to broadcast to arrange bigly in the XP the —— will become the fine place, will create to have in all aspects there our child as a result 瘟 garbage code many roads dies.
I dream on today!
I dream, one day" all purses is all alive with, the dishonest businessman in size is all in restraint of, making in a puzzle of the Japanese toe exchanges the Chinese language, the literalness of the pronunciation arrive to become plentifulness carelessly to is necessaryly with fine pictograph.The honor of the end imagination presents by all means, any have the guts of, see necessarily and together"
this is ours hope.这是制造我到达的深信幻 天.因着这个信心我们将砍倒压抑盼望的巨石,就是那绝望之山岭。ad. Because the coordination quarrels the our meeting in loving this confidence in astonishing and pleasing that brothers in our commune of an insides convert that outside each other.Companion such confidence we will together game, together match bird, play water polo together, explode the machine clone together, stands for the sake of the dream together, realize the one fine day us to will realize eventually.
The will be an an an an an an an an an a day that day that is all god's of the child sings the all new meaning:" my幻 , your dwelling, free finely, I sing.This is that our ancestry rest peacefully, is a proud of place in end imagination;From each a version piece, let free voice spread."
If the 幻 wants to become the great network stands to order, this look into lovelyly to must realize in the song.So, let free a steppe for from six lines of birds ranch ascended to ring out;Let free a fortress for from the oblivion it all rung out;Let ring out in free a hole for from the dragon king 巴哈姆 with hole.
The lets free a house for ordering for the sake of from the webmaster a 竹 position outside of!
The lets free 温 text a tower 惠 that voice know arrived to declare to leave to go to from the atmosphere!
but not unique one; silent let declare to leave to go to at the free forest for coming together from the early heart!
The lets free voice from of the ambulation town square 漫 sees to exceed to declare to leave to go to in the stage!
The lets free each from of mountain for the sake of from the commune system, each from of the soil 墩 climbs to declare to leave to go to.From each a foothill, let the free voice ring the 彻 .
The be us to make the free voice ring the 彻 it, be we make this voice ring 彻 each a forum each a version piece, we can accelerate to come this day: At that time have our children, old white with small white, cool elder brother with the younger sister of 靓 , 披 the younger sister of 靓 of cool elder brother's jacket with cool elder brother who attire in younger sister's apron of 靓 , hold the hand the ground sing that ancient song together," freedom!Freedom!Thankful omnipotent and big bird, we are finally free finally!"