2002-01-20 16:05 | Random

getting beatrix
what you need if you want her(你要得到她,就要满足以下条件)
- an action replay device (gameshark, goldfinger, etc)——你须要有金手指!
- an on/off switch on the device (game shark cdx will not work)(有金手指的开关)
- most likely a playstation dated before 1999 (to support action replay)
- final fantasy ix (japanese or north america editions)(FF9日或北美版本)
- the appropiate action replay code for your device(你要有ACTION REPLAY功能,关于这个下文有说明)
pick your code(输入手指码)
- japanese game/action replay (or compatable) :: 801f4736-0208
- american game/action replay (or compatable) :: 301f4761 00ff + 301f4761 0008
- american game/game shark :: e01f4761 00ff + 301f4761 0008(这条没看懂,照理说“e01f4761”中由于是“E”打头,所以后面的号码应有8个,这我就不清楚了)
the method(方法)
- enter the appropiate code into your device(开启手指)
- start your saved game(读取存档)
- when you appear, immediately save again(读取以后立刻记录)
- do not go to the menu screen nor get into a battle(不要进入选单画面)(我试着进入了,死机,应该说是必然性死机)
- turn off the gameshark and reset (l1, l2, start, select)(关闭手指,重启,用l1, l2, start, select)
- go back into your saved game and into the party screen(回到刚才记录的存档)
- you should now have all nine slots filled, one for you-know-who(你现在已经有了9个人了)
mastering beatrix(这个没啥好说的)
stuff to remember
- she is at level 20, so start building up her levels
- she already has all her abilities and cannot learn more
- she has the save-the-queen permanately equippped
- since she cannot use support ability, equip armor that has abilities in them
- she has two abilities with useful techniques and magic
- her face doesn't appear on the load game screen, harmless(角色的脸不能显示在LOAD画面里)
- she cannot de-equip the save-the-queen (without action replay)(不能取下SAVE THE QUEEN)
- however she is the only player who can use the save-the-queen(只有她能用SAVE THE QUEEN……废话)
- she cannot use support abilities, yet has magic stones(不能使用ABILITY)
- she has no trance attack or trance bar(没有TRANCE)
- using her to fight some battles (especially necron!) will freeze the game(用她进行某些战斗,例如室外战斗,将会导致死机)
beatrix's abilities
beatrix's holy sword tech
thunder sword - level 3 lightning :: elemental sword attack (24 mp)
stock break - strong sword atack (26 mp)
climhazzard - ultimate damage to all enemies (32 mp)
shock - ultimate damage to one enemy (46 mp)
beatrix's holy white magic
cure 2 - heals more hp (10 mp)
life - restores a dead ally without much hp (8 mp)
life 2 - restores a dead ally with full hp (24 mp)
esuna - removes bad status except freeze, zombie, or virus (20 mp)
silence - target cannot use magic (8 mp)
reflect - spells cast on target bounce to another target (6 mp)
blind - target cannot see and may miss when attacking (6 mp)
holy - level 3 holy :: elemental damage to target (36 mp)


getting beatrix
what you need if you want her(你要得到她,就要满足以下条件)
- an action replay device (gameshark, goldfinger, etc)——你须要有金手指!
- an on/off switch on the device (game shark cdx will not work)(有金手指的开关)
- most likely a playstation dated before 1999 (to support action replay)
- final fantasy ix (japanese or north america editions)(FF9日或北美版本)
- the appropiate action replay code for your device(你要有ACTION REPLAY功能,关于这个下文有说明)
pick your code(输入手指码)
- japanese game/action replay (or compatable) :: 801f4736-0208
- american game/action replay (or compatable) :: 301f4761 00ff + 301f4761 0008
- american game/game shark :: e01f4761 00ff + 301f4761 0008(这条没看懂,照理说“e01f4761”中由于是“E”打头,所以后面的号码应有8个,这我就不清楚了)
the method(方法)
- enter the appropiate code into your device(开启手指)
- start your saved game(读取存档)
- when you appear, immediately save again(读取以后立刻记录)
- do not go to the menu screen nor get into a battle(不要进入选单画面)(我试着进入了,死机,应该说是必然性死机)
- turn off the gameshark and reset (l1, l2, start, select)(关闭手指,重启,用l1, l2, start, select)
- go back into your saved game and into the party screen(回到刚才记录的存档)
- you should now have all nine slots filled, one for you-know-who(你现在已经有了9个人了)
mastering beatrix(这个没啥好说的)
stuff to remember
- she is at level 20, so start building up her levels
- she already has all her abilities and cannot learn more
- she has the save-the-queen permanately equippped
- since she cannot use support ability, equip armor that has abilities in them
- she has two abilities with useful techniques and magic
- her face doesn't appear on the load game screen, harmless(角色的脸不能显示在LOAD画面里)
- she cannot de-equip the save-the-queen (without action replay)(不能取下SAVE THE QUEEN)
- however she is the only player who can use the save-the-queen(只有她能用SAVE THE QUEEN……废话)
- she cannot use support abilities, yet has magic stones(不能使用ABILITY)
- she has no trance attack or trance bar(没有TRANCE)
- using her to fight some battles (especially necron!) will freeze the game(用她进行某些战斗,例如室外战斗,将会导致死机)
beatrix's abilities
beatrix's holy sword tech
thunder sword - level 3 lightning :: elemental sword attack (24 mp)
stock break - strong sword atack (26 mp)
climhazzard - ultimate damage to all enemies (32 mp)
shock - ultimate damage to one enemy (46 mp)
beatrix's holy white magic
cure 2 - heals more hp (10 mp)
life - restores a dead ally without much hp (8 mp)
life 2 - restores a dead ally with full hp (24 mp)
esuna - removes bad status except freeze, zombie, or virus (20 mp)
silence - target cannot use magic (8 mp)
reflect - spells cast on target bounce to another target (6 mp)
blind - target cannot see and may miss when attacking (6 mp)
holy - level 3 holy :: elemental damage to target (36 mp)